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Our new logo – this sea creature has not been chosen on a whim. On contrary, we have spent a long time thinking about the right symbol for our firm. It was not so much the nautilus that was the deciding factor. It was mainly our own values and our own way of working that has found its way to the new logo.

Specifically, we are talking about these similarities:

Structure and growth

The nautilus shell is famous for its logarithmic spiral – a perfect example of structured, incremental growth. This concept also applies to our firm and our growth as an organisation. We started out with just two people and now, we have created a team of many more fantastic and indispensable individuals. Organic growth and steady development are fundamental to us. If you view the logo from a different perspective, you might also see a spiral staircase, with each step representing an employee and the entire team growing larger than the mere sum of its individual members – as per ancient Indigenous American philosophy. Each step grows bigger with each additional piece of the puzzle, just like collective (team) expertise or even swarm intelligence;). Conversely, when you look at the logo from the largest element to the smallest, you would come to the conclusion that big problems always shrink and eventually dissolve when you work with us.

Consistency and endurance

The nautilus has existed for millions of years and has remained “true” to its characteristics. Thus, consistency and reliability are as much its hallmarks as they are ours – as a service provider managing just over 2,500 mandates. This is based on many years of experience, often as many years of knowing our clients, and proven methods.

Flexibility and innovation

The nautilus is one of the oldest creatures on our planet, symbolizing the ability to adapt to changes and to overcome challenges – an essential trait in our dynamic world. It has survived for millions of years because it has always managed to adapt to a variety of environmental conditions. Yet, it has always remained true to its identity. In our company, you would find the same spirit of of innovation and adaptability – qualities that are indispensable to our work. In essence, consistency and flexibility are interdependent, and as inseparable as twins.


Precision and attention to detail

Observers of the nautilus shell are often fascinated by its shape: one can recognize the Fibonacci spiral – a mathematical standard used today to simulate and forecast stock prices. Artists are also familiar with this natural, fundamental form of mathematics, also known as the golden spiral. The perfect geometry of the nautilus shell embodies a natural precision and attention to detail that is equally essential in legal, tax and accounting work. A professional firm must also work very precisely and meticulously to achieve the best results for its clients.

Protection and safety

The shell provides the nautilus with protection and safety. This is also the primary responsibility of our firm towards our clients: to provide legal protection and security by defending their interests and safeguarding their business affairs.

Diversity and complexity

The structure of the nautilus shell is complex and multi-layered – much like our team and our field of work: corporate and tax law. Today, complex legal issues and diverse problems often require several specialists to work together. A team of individuals with different backgrounds and unique skills is best suited to meet these demands. The nautilus also symbolizes the balance between individuality and a sense of community. As you know, we pride ourselves on providing our clients with tailor-made solutions, rather than mass-produced, off-the-shelf solutions. Each nautilus is visually unique – just like our clients, our assignments and even ourselves. Some might even recognize a ship’s mooring line, and that is also fitting: despite our differences, we pull together as one.